Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Birthday Song for Nick Nolte

In celebration of Nick Nolte's birthday, I am resurrecting an awful Greasetruck song for which I created an animated video. In this video, I draw a caricature of Nick Nolte and his ersatz doppelganger, Gary Busey (and a few other celebrities, I'm especially proud of my John Polito). It is probably not safe for work, there is some profanity.

I would like to create more of these animated Greasetruck videos, but my tablet computer has been broken for months. I'm thinking about purchasing a cheap Monoprice USB tablet that will hook up to my iMac. For a few minutes, I had delusions about making a claymation video (I figured I could use my children as animators) but I just read that you need ten movements per SECOND of film to create the effect . . . fuck that.


  1. i'm enjoying the greasetruck era at g:tb.

  2. brooklyn decker is the si swimsuit issue covergirl. in this age of infinite online porn, the swimsuit issue is a bit of an anachronism, but i still look forward to it - takes me back to a simpler time. a simpler, hormonal trainwreck of a time.

  3. Dave, I always did like this video. In addition to Polito, your Busey is spot-on, but your Drew Barrymore is hideous. You seem to have a much better knack for drawing men . . . and you can draw your own conclusions as to why.

    Can we please get a video for "The Bear"?

    And on your Facebook page, I learned I can add 1 Greasetruck song to the Music section of my profile (and presumably so can the world): "Dirty Girls." Awww, yeah.

  4. note to all concerned: the first fuckounces of the impending fuckton have begun to fall in the deecee area. remain calm. do not panic.

  5. The swimsuit issue definitely peaked in the Kathy Ireland/Elle MacPherson era, but it is still nice to peek at these healthy lasses.

  6. TR, nice dual use of the homonyms peak and peek -- it piqued my interest in what you had to say!


  7. It is pleasant to remember when almost seeing breasts was enthralling. Now...well...

    Although I do get some enjoyment from a proper deployment of "anachronism".

  8. I remember this song. I like it. It sounds like Prodigy preparing for a vocabulary quiz in a coat closet.

  9. Wow. Did this really happen?

  10. the impending "snowbilee" should allow greasetruck to finish recording a new song (prolonged in the studio because the lead singer suffered strep throat-- not that it matters).

    just downloaded a free animation program for the mac that i should be able to figure out in 47 years or so, but i still need a tablet. then there will be an animated video for "the bear." if i was really inspired i'd make one for "dear ozzy."

    looking forward to snowdemonium.

  11. Yes the Teej, this really happened. And I'm winning American Apparel's Best Butt competition.

  12. There was a particular SI Swimsuit cover featuring Elle Macpherson that drastically changed my life, for better and worse. I believe it was from a shoot in Thailand.

  13. the fishnet suit that christie brinkley wore was the one that did it for me....you all are too young to remember that. that might be when my mom first caught me "combing my hair"

  14. Dan - my middle school years overlapped the Ireland/McPherson era. Those photos contributed to the 900 boners/hour I used to get.

    And kudos to the deep-cut Weird Science reference, it that's what it was.

  15. One of the myriad things TR keeps in his aforementioned book are detailed boner stats, using the conventional "boner per hour" or "bph" metric, as opposed to the more modern and highly controversial "area under the hardon curve" metirc, which incorporates erectile duration but may inappropriately favor those with erections lasting more than 4 hours.

  16. and thanks, whit, for plugging "greasetruck" on your facebook.

    it's rare when an old band mate supports your solo project-- you never hear simon raving about garfunkel's new album . . .

  17. Alas, Dave, given our height difference and your far superior guitar skills, I'm probably the Garfunkel in our outfit. I have a future post brewing on musical sidekicks, and Art plays a prominent role.

    And I like "snowdemonium" a lot better than "snowbilee.". Personally, though, I'm going with "Powderdome."

  18. It's kind of like School House Rock, but not.

  19. Z-man, your comment on TR's eiffels read like Dan Patrick doing voice over for a Cialis commercial. Not that I pay attention to Cialis commercials. (I'm a "blue diamond" guy.)

  20. I was hoping for Tony Kornheiser doing a Levitra ad, but I'll take what I can get.

  21. Better than Skip Bayless shilling for K-Y.

  22. Mason and VCU locked in a tight one. Ice water in Joey Rodriguez's veins.

  23. Well, Mason-VCU is definitely taking game of the night honors.

  24. Yes, indeed. VCU's gotta be kicking themselves for blowing that game.

  25. brett blizzard is outside my house

  26. back in the 30's here in NOFLA

  27. snowragious

  28. It's moderately cold here, nothing compared to what you donkeys up north of the Mason-Dixon line are dealing with though.
