Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Filler

Apparently, my workplace thought it wise to NOT give us today off, though the streets of DC are a clusterfuck of epic proportions. So I'm here, venti coffee and banana in hand, ready to not work. The Z-Man left this filler in the draft posts, because he still apparently can't figure out how to "schedule" a post to appear at a later date, and asked me to post it. Who am I to object - his name's first on the marque after all. I have asked our producer to have a long sit down with him after this morning's show though and teach him how this crazy "blogger" thing operates.


Battle rapping Christmas muppets. Lupe as Blitzen. KRS-One as Santa. Perfect G:TB seasonal filler. And for the record, St. Nick won.


  1. To say people at work are a tad peeved about being here would be the understatement of the century.

  2. My boss has this insane idea that Monday through Wednesday are "regular work days" and we should "work hard to wrap up a few projects." Dagger.

  3. I am also at work. The mood here is "extreme bitterness with a touch of bemused resignation."

  4. I can't wait for the three hour brunch I'll be taking at 11am...

  5. You can all kiss my pasty arse. I am in a bar review class. I'd rather run up and down dog street 15 times than sit here.

  6. I also have a bar review class 11am...slightly different than yours though.

  7. wait, aren't you already a member of the bar, z-man? or are you taking another state's?

  8. I'm admitted in ma, sitting for ny in feb. Bumming from now til then.

  9. ny supposed to be tough? and why doesn't ny have a reciprocal arrangement with ma?

  10. I'm working today too. Coldest day of the year so far. 45 degrees when I left home this morning. Still sunny though. My bosses seem to think that the next 3 days should be "regular work days" as well. I do not concur and will act accordingly over the rest of this week. I see plenty of Madden and long lunches in my future.

  11. dipped into the high 30's here this morning in north florida...i had to seek out some winter gear including a puffy jacket and earmuffs.
    at the moment, only one in the office is yours truly out of 6.

  12. SANDUSKY, Ohio - So much for the value menu.

    A Taco Bell manager in Ohio says a man who appeared drunk walked into the restaurant earlier this week and handed him $72 for just one taco.

    The manager tells police near the northern Ohio town of Sandusky that the customer who seemed to be in his early 20s refused to take back the money and told workers "Merry Christmas."

    Sandusky, OH you say? Was it this guy?

  13. According to a quiz I just took, Fairfax County has the 8th cleanest tap water in the country.

  14. Robert,
    NY has reciprocity with MA, but only for attorneys who have practiced for five of the preceding seven years. I think the Z-Man falls short of that.

    Looks like the Teej will have do do most of the heavy lifting for the next two months.

  15. And what percentage of Fairfax County residents buy bottled water? I'd say pretty high. Meanwhile, in NJ, the tap water gives you Alzheimer's and Dave drinks from the spigot.

  16. The quiz was likely written by someone from fairfax county.

  17. In North Brunswick they say that tap water is the secret to growing a hearty mustache.

  18. Do I have to play my dvr'd SNL from Saturday...whoa, is that Todd Collins' music?
