Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jump Around

Many readers write in to us asking for a peek at some of our contributors. Well, here's a chance to meet G:TBers up close and personal. This video features Mark, who goes by the stage name "Brett Domino," and TJ as the lumbering, blundering sidekick "Steven." They're performing a medley of the honkiest hip-hop selections of the 80's and 90's. Enjoy.

(And Dave, we may need to invest in these things for Random Idiots.)


  1. i think i just tore something....

  2. Are these guys related to The Streets?

  3. Brett Domino is my new favorite singer. So much win. His "I kissed a Girl" cover rocks!

  4. i'm at work, so i can see this, which makes me want to see it all the more.

    i like "the streets." is TJ in "the streets"?

  5. Dave, I grabbed Michael McDonald and am in fact takin' it TO the streets...

  6. The Streets is a British rapper Tj. I'm shocked you didn't know that. Actually, I'm not.

  7. Who won the Cauc Hop thing? Or is that still in limbo?

  8. Much like Suicidal Tendencies concerts were cancelled in Southern California b/c of gang violence, the Cauc Hop was cancelled...due to tremendous levels of apathy.

  9. I actually started that comment, but Joe Girardi felt it wise to replace me with TR halfway through it...

  10. Jeff Reed is a rudeboy. Note his previous history with paper towel dispensers.


  11. I have a math question: how much money in payroll have the Yankees paid out since they won the World Series. Approaching $2 Billion, right?

    And I guess the Mets have probably paid more that since '86.

  12. Hold on. Rasheed Wallace is on the Celtics?

  13. Dennis - showing all prospective fathers out there how the brain decays with 2 kids.

    But on the positive side, he can probably recite a half dozen Eric Carle books from memory.
