Monday, July 06, 2009

Hey TJ, how's that OBFT mustache coming in?

Hmmmm, about as well as this...


  1. Dave, I guess you could say this wasn't your average bear that robbed you:

    VERNON, N.J. (AP) - A northwestern New Jersey man said he was mugged in his driveway by a sandwich-craving bear.

    He said the bruin made off with the bread, salami and other meats but left behind the lettuce, onions and tomatoes.

  2. So it was TJ in bear form -- no condiments. Or maybe it was just TJ without a shave? Hmm?

  3. I'm growing the full beard and the night before I'll decide on which stache shall adorn my face. And the wifer is thrilled I'm growing a beard.

  4. The best I can muster is a Bananas Foster from Super Troopers look.

  5. I'm pulling a Dooger with the full beard. It's extremely patchy, so patchy that a few people at work can't make eye contact with me. Or maybe they're just avoiding me?

  6. As the video indicated, my current "facial hair" looks like Beavis gluing shit to his face.

    Good to know we're all epically bad at growing facial hair. Nice group we have here.

  7. When rob has the 'stache, he really is gonna look like Herve Villecheze isn't he?

  8. I was actually blessed with the ability to grow a decent beard . . . but a terrible stand-alone mustache, and with just two weeks to get it done, it's gonna be ugly.

  9. Jerry gave us three excuses. Because trust me, I need thirty-three weeks to grow a decent one, three weeks simply leads to nightmare fuel.

  10. Meanwhile, I've been sporting a beard for a month now for no good reason.

  11. Mark, the Outer Banks are within your purvey...

  12. Not this year they're not. My time in the Keys and Chicago have left me in catch up mode with work for the foreseeable future.

  13. Of course Mark works. Someone has to paint flames on the sides of 1994 Honda Civics.

  14. Geoff...if I had that kind of artistic ability don't you think I'd take the logical route and become a tattoo artist? No, I have a stand on the side of the road where I sell boiled peanuts.
