Sunday, June 28, 2009

Picture Not Included

Naked ex-mayor arrested at campsite
Gainesville’s Musselwhite denies causing earlier trouble

By Alexis Stevens
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Friday, June 26, 2009

A former mayor found sitting naked and holding a beer at a Rabun County campsite told police he wasn’t the same naked man seen walking around earlier.

Mark Musselwhite, 43, said he was hot and had been in the creek, according to a Georgia Department of Natural Resources incident report. He apparently didn’t think he was doing anything wrong.


  1. no, this one was actually georgia. peach out front shoulda told you.

  2. There's a Gainesville, GA?

  3. Yes TJ, there is. Georgia's plenty fucked up. I assure you.

  4. there's a gainesville, va, too. not quite as fucked up, but issues nonetheless.

  5. you know what i would say to him? "ah ha! how did you know there was a naked man walking around earlier?"

    case closed!

  6. reports out of the boston media indicate that daisuke matsuzaka declined to participate in the sox' shoulder strengthening program because he believed 'japanese shoulders are different than american shoulders'. there's an optometry joke in there somewhere, but i'm leaving it alone.

    athletes are dumb in many different languages.

  7. Do the Sox have specific programs for every joint/limb? Is he an avid participant in their pelvis and elbow programs? What about hip and neck?

  8. that's all very top secret, timmy. i could tell you, but then bill james would come to my house and make me watch outtakes from ken burns' 'baseball' for 72 straight hours.

  9. Any guesses on Madoff's prison sentence? His attorney wants 12 years and prosecutors want 150. Anything above 20 will probably have him die in prison.

    Being a fresh fish in your mid 60's can't be all that fun. Unless being anally raped a lot is your idea of fun.

  10. he's not gonna be doing hard time. he'll be locked up for the rest of his life, but it'll be at a minimum security joint.

  11. For the amount of damage done to other people he should get at least 25 years. That should put the possibility of parole out far enough to make he sit in jail till he dies.

  12. it's interesting how fired up people get about madoff-- a con man-- almost like he's representative of this economic meltdown, when he was really just fleecing people, but the roots and causes are too complicated, so he becomes a fall guy; it's worth reading "house of cards" to see how the bear stearns bankruptcy went down.

  13. If Madoff made good music then the House of Representatives would have a moment of silence when he dies.

  14. The thing about Madoff is that he ran a $65 BILLION scam. The scope of his theft and the filthy way he showed off the stolen wealth merit a stiff punishment. And he leveraged his standing as a Jewish man looking out for other Jewish investors. Most of his funds came from connections in Jewish communites.

    The guy had 3 boats, 3 or 4 houses, 35 expensive watches, etc. Disgusting. 150 years sounds good to me.

  15. Madoff got the maximum 150 years, plus the government seized all of his property and assets.

  16. 150 years? that is silliness. many murderers get a fraction of that-- again this is some symbol that now we've gotten the root of the crisis, when he was just an outlier that duped gullible investors.

  17. Dante Stallworth got a 30 day sentence for killing a man. Albeit unintentionally.
