Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Matar dos pájaros de un tiro

I'll wait for Dennis to translate that for you...

The pajaros in question? Wishing you all a festive Cinco de Mayo...and getting this song stuck in your head all day (and possibly all week):


  1. wait, cubans celebrate cinco de mayo, too?

    gtb, dropping science since 2003 (or so).

  2. 114,000 gallons. That's how much water I had flow through my house when I had a burst water pipe in January. Too bad it wasn't beer, cuz I could've called in the McKenzie brothers...

  3. TR, dropping water since 2009.

  4. sounds like tr needs a continuance so his contractor can finish his bathroom and/or fix his pipes.

  5. Like Gallileo dropped the orange.

  6. Now that is some comedic timing by tiny...

  7. What I really need is a J O B...

  8. TR,
    Do they send you a bill for that or is there some "act of god" clause that gets you out of that?

  9. "That" was some great prose by me. Maybe I can be the next Provost.

  10. I get reimbursed by the insurance company. But the cost of cranking through that much water isn't that much. It's not like buying 912,000 bottles of Poland Spring...

  11. Any havoc TR wreaks in his bathroom is an act of god.

  12. I remember a couple of TR's guestie "Force Majeures" in the Unit M suite, circa 1994.

    Starner. . . not happy.

  13. Uncle Dennis will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo with your hometown nine this afternoon... three straight?

  14. When was that guy ever happy?

  15. He always seemed happy after getting concussed on the rugby field. They were fuzzy, distant smiles, but he seemed happy. That guy got cracked in the skull more than Eric Lindros.

  16. Um, caron butler throws like a frickin girl?!

  17. Going through yesterday's comments, I have to wonder why Teejay was watching the Nats game, considering the other available options. Does he have some kind of Nats Only Cable system?

  18. Despite not having the sports cave, 3 tv set up, I was able to follow Nats/Stros, Yanks/Sox and Celts/Magic with some nimble remote work.

  19. We couldn't have gotten a Delinquent Habits or Kid Frost cip for Cinco de Mayo? Shameful TJ, just shameful.

  20. You were going to get the classic Farley "El Nino" clip...except I used it last year for Cinco.

  21. I just saw the clip of Caron's first pitch, and it was as girlie as Dennis described it.

  22. david souter eats apples whole, seeds and all. that's impressive. and weird.

  23. I think that's a European thing. Or maybe it was just some guy I saw in Europe doing it. It sure did look crazy though.

  24. 2:45 PM beers await this unemployed guy. I will be the only American at a dive pub on east 41st street watching Man U and Arsenal go at it. I will feel very good about myself there because I'll have the best teeth in the bar.

    Unemployment has its privileges.

  25. nice - a little live gtb-blogging, perhaps? teejay will cover your bar tab with the adsense proceeds.

  26. TR, what pub?

    I am curious to find some new NYC hangouts, and one with EPL soccer on it seems different than my old faves, which show stuff on the telly like porn (The Village Idiot, may it RIP) or Mel Tillis & Jerry Reed videos (Doc Holliday's).

  27. pour out a jar of marinara for our homie dom deluise.

  28. Dom Deluise died? That just goes to show you that you can do everything right but it just doesn't matter if it was "your time" to go.

  29. Bea Arhthur and Dom checking out in pretty close proximity to one another. Don't those two look like they would've produced a love child with a strking similarity to The Teej?

  30. People from rural New England eat like famished animals. I went to a Red Sox game with a large crew of co-workers. Folks from Maine and western Mass eat peanuts with the shells on. It comes as no surprise that New Hampshirite Souter eats apple cores.

  31. Boy, Teej's name gets bandied about a lot here when he's off electing a small claims papal bathroom tiler or whatever.

  32. TJ wrote last night:

    "Nats are up 8-4 in the 7th...odds this game ends up 8-8 in the 9th?"

    One day early, dude. The Nats were up 8-5 in the 7th today... it's now 8-8.

  33. And Rob Dibble's video is nearly as bad as his audio. Black button-down shirt, mint-green paisley tie, checked sportcoat, slicked back 'do, and cheesy shades in the booth.

    But compared to his insight on baseball, his ensemble is smart.

  34. Now pitching for the Nats: Garrett Mock. The back of his jersey reads like a "Kick Me" sign.

  35. the Nats did put up 6 runs in the 7th tho...allowing me to maximize last call. the staff at lil dennis' day care will also appreciate this when I show up...

  36. and that guzman game winner just landed 15 feet from me. some chick in a giant sombrero boxed me out...dios mio!

  37. Was it Stewie dressed as Desiree?

  38. After Arsenal controlled the ball for the first 5 minutes, Man U scored on a garbage goal after an Arsenal defender slipped while defending a cross. Man U added a second on a laser of a free kick from Ronaldo. The play was set up by a dive from Ronaldo that the ref bought.

    It is 2-nil at the half. Arsenal needs to win by two, so they need to put four in the net in a hurry.

    There were a lot of bad teeth and bankers with giant Windsor knots in the bar. Whit: It's called Dillon Street Pub (I think). East 40th, just east of Lex.

  39. After Arsenal controlled the ball for the first 5 minutes, Man U scored on a garbage goal after an Arsenal defender slipped while defending a cross. Man U added a second on a laser of a free kick from Ronaldo. The play was set up by a dive from Ronaldo that the ref bought.

    It is 2-nil at the half. Arsenal needs to win by two, so they need to put four in the net in a hurry.

    There were a lot of bad teeth and bankers with giant Windsor knots in the bar. Whit: It's called Dillon Street Pub (I think). East 40th, just east of Lex.

  40. Whit: You would like the bar. 8 TVs, the bartender orders delivery for you from the diner across the street, pool table and lots of Euro sports fans screaming and yelling and day-drinking.

  41. mutha fucka....kip wells, u r terrible.

  42. TR, you don't want to share the bar's name? Tease.
