Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's be honest, Friday the 13th is WAY cooler than Valentine's Day.

If you haven't noticed, I like to talk a lot of shit about Rob. Part of this is due to the fact that I'm bigger than him. However, most of it is due Rob being my boss here at G:TB. Everybody hates their boss. Now, just imagine if your boss was 4'6" and despite not paying you (or honoring his bets) he still told you what to do all the time and censored your posts when they offended his lily white, guilt ridden ass. I'm gonna take it easy on Rob today though. It's almost Valentine's Day and he's really not that bad a guy. I mean, things could be worse. Geoff could be my boss and I could be penning a 2,500 word piece on Jim Bowden and how his breath smells like cinnamon and his jumpsuits are as soft as a new born baby's bottom. Clearly things aren't as bad as I sometimes make them out to be. And clearly, you're gonna want to turn up your speakers and close your office door for this classic. baby making music, people.

While, I'm giving out love to the Wu. I thought this next clip might also be appropriate for Friday the 13th. Was HorrorCore a gimmick and somewhat cheesy? You know it. Did I once own this song on a cassette single and did I recently download it because it's still a fucking banger? You bet your sweet ass I did.

Enjoy your weekend G:TBers. Oh, and Geoff, be careful buddy. When you have sex with Jim Bowden you're having sex with everybody Barry Larkin's ever had sex with too.


  1. I can't imagine a better way to start my Friday than with a little Dirty (RIP). I loved that album when it came out and was constantly given crap about playing it as everyone else wanted to listen to Dave Matthews, Phish, and Deep Blue Something. Thanks Mark.

    I think society is out of ideas. After at least 8 (VIII) Friday the 13th movies, some jackass studio has released another Friday the 13th movie. But it isn't part 9. It's a remake of the first one. Are you fucking kidding me? The plot to all slasher movies is "homicidal maniac chases and kills teens - scariness ensues." No one can come up with a new setting for a slasher movie?!? All they can think of is a return to Camp Crystal Lake?

    Maybe we should get the movie studio people to design the bailout?

  2. I'm kind of excited by the new Friday the 13th. The guy who made the remake to Chainsw Massacre made this one too. I'd rather see this than Jason vs. Freddy. I get your point though.

    And, um, I'm sure glad I wasn't hanging out with all the douches you had to hang out with when ODB's album came out, Zoltan. One of the more underrated Wu solo efforts.

  3. mark, the payoff will come when we sell g:tb during the next internet bubble. the jamesons, well, who knows when that'll come.

  4. The Jamesons will come next time I venture up to DC. And no county fair, or sewing bee will allow you to skip out on a night of drinking with me.

  5. that's a deal on both counts.

  6. Zoltan is still bitter b/c he was never invited to the infamous late-night Breakfast at Tiffany's sing alongs.

    He was too busy stealing PiKa composites and drunkenly bringing them back to Unit M like a proud cat that just caught a mouse.

  7. i can't believe you just put 'breakfast at tiffany's' in my head. make it stop.

  8. For a year the only thing between my head and "What About Breakfast at Tiffany's" was a 40-year-old cinderblock wall riddled with toothpaste-filled holes. The Smiths were heavy in the rotation too.

  9. the smiths are orders of magnitude better than deep blue something, or whoever sang 'tiffany's'.

  10. Mark, your musical recommendations, especially on the niche rap of yesteryear, always seem to answer the mail. Got any more?

  11. I'm always happy to push my musical recommendations. I'll see if I can't think of a few for you and throw them up here before the day's out.

  12. "niche rap of yesteryear"

    Sounds like somebody wants to hear some YBT.

  13. Speaking of hip-hop music....has anyone seen the Letterman appearance that Joaquin Phoenix just gave. Oh. My. Lord.

  14. Keeping up the trend of complimenting something from a previous post, nice Crazy Town zinger.

  15. a comment about a previous comment. that's some meta shit right there.

  16. "I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight, Joaquin."

    Letterman was hilarious. The guy can not be fazed by anything these days.

  17. we're all remiss in not genuflecting at the genius that was last night's '30 rock'. too much brilliance to recount it all.

  18. 30 Rock is so good I find I often have to watch it twice to get the full effect.

  19. The second half of The Office, however, was extremely weak. When that show misses, it is almost unwatchable.

    But 30 Rock was indeed great. The scene with Alec Baldwin in the confession booth talking about Selma Hayek's rack to the priest was great.

  20. my wife was in tears when jack was saying the lord's prayer into his cellphone.
