Friday, December 26, 2008

Mark Doing Karaoke

No matter what Mark tries to tell us to the contrary, I imagine his Christmas Night karaoke performance went a little something like this...


  1. this is, without question, the worst sports day of the year. i'm being forced to interact with my family.

    and mark's comment last night was spectacular. made me wish i were there.

  2. The lone bright spot on this sports night is that I'm taping the Best of SportsCenter. It's aired already a few times, but I'm TIVOing it on ESPN2 at 9:30. It's always entertaining.

    Watching the Knicks get pounded by the lowly T-Wolves isn't cutting it. I got sucked into a Bugsy Siegel documentary narrated by...wait for it...Danny Bonnaduce (I think).

  3. okay, boys, i've picked all 5 games in the draft just in case we fail to get something together as a team. feel free to get in there and delete whatever you feel like. except the skins game - i feel good about that one.

  4. "Its the Summer of love baby, lets leave these two alone".-Jim Carry.... I love this scene..... The Cable Guy is such a funny film.... :) Amanda Vanderpool
