Tuesday, September 30, 2008

There's something about those 7 footers...

When most people think of Yao Ming, I doubt that they'd consider him a wild and crazy guy, to borrow a popular phrase from Whitney's childhood. Its just not something that meshes well with the picture of a large Chinese man who wears a crew cut and speaks little to no English publicly. However, if you've been paying attention there have been numerous clues to the contrary for a while now. First there was the "Yao, Yo" commercial for Visa. Then, of course, he was tight with Steve Francis and Cuttino Mobley (not so much Francis, but Cuttino seems like a fun guy to go to the strip club with) in Houston. And last summer, when Yao got married guys like Baron Davis and Steve Nash traveled to China for his wedding. Hell, the guy even grew a neck beard once so he probably lost a bet to Kyle Orton somewhere along the way.

What I'm saying here is that Yao is a legitimately cool guy, and a worthy heir to the legacy of Gheorghe. I mean not only could he destroy Rob's crush, Dustin Pedroia, in ping pong, he'd probably smash TJ in a drinking contest too.


  1. just ran into chris cooley and his wife at the supermarket. his penis was nowhere to be seen.

  2. Anybody seen this Al Davis presser? He's officially turned the corner and become the Crypt Keeper.

  3. it is a freaking train wreck. his insanity is captivating.

  4. for the record, i really dislike the white sox. no real reason.

  5. Ok, finally caught the Al Davis presser...that was, um, interesting? Frightening?

  6. Rob, I'll tell you why you don't like the White Sox:

    Nobody outside of the South Side likes the White Sox. As a franchise, they are as uninteresting as it gets, a charmless antithesis to the Cubs.

    The adoption of black as the predominant team color seems like a little kid trying too hard to break bad. The wannabe Raiders.

    The personalities on the team are either douchey (Pierzynski) or bland (Jermaine Dye). And the guy most identifiable with the Chicago White Sox ballclub over the last 20 years was both (Frank Thomas). Hell, look at their announcers -- Hawk Harrelson (douchey) & Darrin Jackson (bland). Perfect.

    Jim Thome is the most likable guy out there, and he's simply a good guy. Maybe you could argue Junior Griffey, but even his luster has faded over time.

    The most interesting thing about the Sox has been Ozzie Guillen, but I'm afraid that even he is wearing thin. In 2005, Ozzie's antics -- and the quest for their first title since pre-Black Sox -- made the ChiSox very watchable. Now . . . eh.

  7. hawk harrelson is the worst of the worst.

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