Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to The Boss

Frankly, I'm amazed we didn't hear something from Whitney on this***...must still be hungover from his own birthday celebration I guess:

***Though I'm sure he'll criticize my video choice. Too mainstream he'll say. Well pal, I couldn't find a video for "Darlington County", so stick it.

Late Addition, by request:


  1. That's even too mainstream for me...and that's saying something.

  2. You wanted "Dancing in the Dark", didn't ya?

  3. I want the Dancin' in the Dark spoof that Sandler did on SNL when Courtney Cox hosted.

  4. I've actually come full circle on "Born in the USA." Probably didn't listen to it straight through from 1986-1999, after popular radio DJ's killed it. Then after hearing his slower, darker, demo-ish version on Tracks and in the live shows from '99, I gave it another shot.

    Still holds up. Fucking great song.

  5. But if you want less mainstream Bruce, you can't go wrong with "Point Blank," "Janey Don't You Lose Heart," "She's the One," "Trapped," "The E Street Shuffle," and especially "Downbound Train."

    But I appreciate the thought, Teej.

  6. the today show is broadcasting from williamsburg tomorrow. odds that meredith viera winds up making the walk of shame from fraternity row at dawn - 2:1.

    though i'm a notoriously bad gambler.

  7. I'm amazed that none of the well educated W&M alums that frequent this space called TJ out for the first sentence of this post:

    "Frankly, I'm amazed we didn't here something from Whitney on this"

    I went to an SEC school so I could be wrong HERE but I'm pretty sure Thomas may have meant "hear" in the above quote. Again, I'm not nearly as smart as Rob or Geoff or any of you other jerkoffs but that is fucking pathetic.

  8. You're as smart as Geoff. Probably smarter.

  9. Mark, why don't you be a sport and fix that for me. Thanks buddy.

  10. looks like a-rod's got some time on his hands.
