Monday, September 15, 2008

G:TB Song of the...Time Period

This one's for the ladies.


  1. appearances notwithstanding, rest assured that gtb is not becoming a pop culture and music blog. teejay jumped the gun this morning posting something saved for future use, the lovable little scamp.

  2. slightly less than lovable little scamp.

  3. Is the scamp fried? If so, I'll take a dozen.

  4. Hmmmmm...the Congo sounds fun:

    KINSHASA , Congo -- At least 11 people were killed in a stadium riot in eastern Congo after a soccer player tried to use witchcraft to win a local match, U.N.-backed Radio Okapi reported on Monday.

  5. i'd like a little more details on the witchcraft in question. did he shrink the opposing striker's head? employ a broomstick? wear ruby slippers?

  6. BYU QB Max Hall threw for 7 TDs against UCLA???

  7. welcome to our newest feature: teejay's time machine. in which our hero travels back to recreate his lost weekends and is astounded afresh.

  8. Addressing the mighty Gheorghe vs. Wheelhouse competition:

    The compelling Texans-Ravens match-up got pushed back to November. I will re-visit that pick when the week nears. I will also re-visit my decision to claim Houston was in the AFC North.

    I guess that puts me on the spot to pick a winner in the Dallas-Philly game. Today's paper says Dallas is giving 7. I say that's too much for this over-hyped team. Look for Philly to man up, punch Dallas in the mouth...and still lose. But by less than a TD. I like Dallas by a figgie. Take the Eagles here.

  9. we're getting shot at by the pakistanis now? somebody wake me up when this clusterfuck is over.

  10. Giddyup...another OJ trial has begun:

    LAS VEGAS -- When O.J Simpson and five other men pushed into a cramped casino hotel room to confront two memorabilia peddlers a year ago they were only trying to retrieve keepsakes and family heirlooms that Simpson hoped to pass along to his children.

    That's what Simpson's lawyers are telling an all-white jury that has begun to hear opening statements Monday in a Las Vegas courtroom.

  11. what's your preferred outcome here, teej?

  12. between chris cooley's junk and mike shanahan's balls, yesterday was a banner day for nfl-related manparts.

    cooley continues to cement his reputation as...whatever he is.

  13. Rob: I think "bisexual" is the word you're looking for.

  14. Chris Cooley is not gay...he's just flamboyant and colorful. Man, that sounds gay. But he's not, I swear.

  15. let me clarify - i love me some chris cooley. not in that way, but still.

  16. So the gay guy is defending Cooley's heterosexuality? Yep, that works.

  17. i'm irrationally excited for the opportunity to listen to chris russo on my drive home tonight. is that weird?

  18. Russo is a good time. His banter with callers is always amusing. And he LOVES to speak in the second person when criticizing people.

  19. And by "Russo" I mean "Chris Russo." Rene Russo ceased being a good time a few years back. She is now a busted-up shell of herself.

  20. Deanna Russo, on the other hand, could be the only reason to watch the new Knight Rider for even 3 seconds.

  21. did anyone see auburn's 3-2 win over mississippi state? if so, great defense, dreadful offense, or both?

  22. I think this might sum it up best:

    The Tigers (3-0, 1-0 Southeastern Conference) committed three turnovers, missed two field goals and handed the Bulldogs their only points with a safety.

    But Auburn allowed only 116 yards to Mississippi State (1-2, 0-1).

  23. In other words, Sly Croom took the points and had the under.

  24. brewers fire ned yost. what the fuck?

    who was the devils coach that took over very late in the season and won the stanley cup? maybe he's available.

  25. carly fiorina thinks tina fey and amy poehler are sexist. did we all fall through the black hole created by the large hadron collider into some sort of bizarro universe?

  26. We covered this last week Rob. Yes, its an alternate universe and James Spader is a huge star. Try and fucking keep up, will ya?

  27. the space-time continuum is torn asunder, mark. i'm actually sending this message from last week.

  28. oh, and the answer to the question i posed before i went back in time is larry robinson, who took over for robbie ftorek, who was fired for having one too many consonants.

  29. Did you grab that Sports Betting Book I left with Biff?

  30. Its called an Almanac, TJ. Go back in time and learn, or something.

  31. Rob--Is this clip special for me & KQ? You know how we love our Eddie!
