Thursday, September 18, 2008

Afternoon Trivia Question

Courtesy of one DC Geofferson:

What do these four gentleman have in common? (other than the fact DC had never heard of any of them)

Caleb Hanie
Richard Bartel
Darrel Hackney
Kevin O’Connell


  1. "Who are 4 people who have never been in my kitchen?"

  2. none of them can hold jt o'sullivan's jock?

  3. OK, I finally found ONE person who doesn't think Gus should have the Vikes QB job:

    Tarvaris Jackson's mother had been scheduled to fly from Alabama to Minnesota to watch her son quarterback the Vikings against the Carolina Panthers on Sunday. Sanque Jackson received a telephone call Wednesday from her son saying he had lost his starting job to Gus Frerotte. She will be coming to Minnesota anyway, she said. She plans to arrive today. "I'm not canceling my trip; he's still on the team regardless," she said from Montgomery, Ala. "It's still his team whether he's starting or not, so I'm supporting him. I'll be there." Mrs. Jackson said Tarvaris expressed disappointment when he called with the news. "Because he didn't expect it to happen," she said. "But it's not like he blew his mind, either. He's handling it pretty well. "You know we're not going to like it, but that's the way it is. You have to do whatever it takes to win the game. "But I don't think they really gave him a fair shake because, if you're running the ball more than you're throwing the ball, then how is he going to be comfortable with his position? How's he going to be comfortable passing to his receivers if he's not been able to throw it enough?" Sanque said she has confidence that her son will regain the starting job. "I strongly believe that," she said.

  4. They were all characters in the Usual Suspects?

  5. They wrote the Port Huron Statement--the original Port Huron Statement, not that compromised "second draft".

  6. they're the cast of the broadway revival of the monkees?

  7. How 'bout the answer? I tried googling, but that only amused me for about 7 seconds...

  8. Those guys are actually on the depth charts of four NFL teams, under the "QB" heading. Hard to believe I know...

  9. I actually knew Hanie, he's the kid the Bears love...howevah, I would've sworn the O'Connell kid was the guy from Entourage.

  10. you tried googling and couldn't figure it out? no wonder our financial system is in the shitter.

  11. Hold on there, Robito. I googled the names at the same time with quotes around each name. No luck.

    I was too lazy to open up a new window and google each one individually.

    FYI - New York AG Cuomo is trying to get the SEC to ban short selling of financials for the next month. The UK just implemented the measure. Kinda ridiculous what they're pulling out of the hat now.

    Look for a massive coordinated announcement this weekend by the heads of all 5 families. The European Central Bank, The Fed and others will likely announce a HUGE unprecedented measure (lowering interest rates, promoting liquidity) to restore orderly markets.

    And you can bet that Barney Fag, er Frank, will run his ignorant mouth about it next week...

  12. the tripartite commission is gassing up the black helicopters as we speak.

  13. and does that mean buying bank stocks is a smart contrarian play right now?

    /crazy jim kramer

  14. I realize Iowa has probably played no one of consequence yet this year, but I still found these numbers astounding. In starting the year 3-0 Iowa has scored 105 points, and allowed 8.

    105 for, 8 against. Not too shabby.
