Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A final goodbye to one bad mutha...

I was out yesterday, or else you would've been treated to this final G:TB "tribute" to Isaac Hayes, who sadly passed away Sunday. And by "tribute" I of course mean this minimal amount of prose and an appropriate YouTube clip. There are many to choose from in Isaac's case, but I've always been partial to his fantastic work in this extremely underrated 1981 Kurt Russell vehicle (and apparently, so was someone on YouTube, so thanks "Terra812"):

"They sent in their best man, and when we roll across the 59th Street bridge tomorrow, on our way to freedom, we're going to have their best man leading the way - from the neck up!"


  1. With your burgeoning staff, will you be able to provide some kind of real-time trend stats for youtubes/tj post?

  2. Yeah, I've got Dave working on that, in between his "teaching" and such.

  3. Apparently we are also helpful to those on the Googles looking for shit like this:

    "who plays the little brother in american anthem"

  4. You're welcome for me driving American Anthem fans to this web site. Especially in Summer Olympics time.

    But what I want to know is who types in that question? Wouldn't you go to imdb and get the answer in about 11 seconds?

  5. I've discovered that many, many people are completely unaware of imdb's existence. Of course, most of these people are complete idiots.

  6. Where's our Olympic hobbit to tell me what to watch tonight?

  7. What the hell is going on at Fenway? It's 14-10 in the 5th.

  8. right here, tommy. just drove back from philly, and boy are my horses tired.

    also, for the record, philly still sucks.

  9. Rob, I ask again...what in the hell is transpiring at Fenway?

  10. well, it sure seems like the sox are about to receive the worst loss of my adult life. they've successfully blown a 10-0 lead, and it only took 5 1/3 innings. fuck. me.

  11. and now the rangers lead.



  12. Rob, you can change the channel in a half hour and watch Michael Phelps...that should calm you.

  13. Dwight Schrute's new film looks horrendous.

    Speaking of horrendous I just watched 4 minutes of Soul Plane on BET...

  14. fortunately, i'm not watching this one - which is now 16-14, texas.

  15. They missed the extra point?

    (Yes, that was horribly lame, but somone had to do it)

  16. Come on Katie Hoff...bring it home.

  17. Wow, one of the guys the Diamondbacks are trading for Adam Dunn is Micah Owings? That surprises me quite a bit.

  18. really? that is surprising. it'll make reds fans feel a lot better.

  19. that wasn't really the blowout rowdy suggested it would be.

  20. Spitz just cracked open his 12th PBR of the night...

  21. tied at 16 in boston. this game is absurd.

  22. aaand, 19-16 sox, bottom 8. this is unfuckingreal.

  23. I want to hire Bela Karolyi to hang out with me for the day. Maybe it's just that he reminds me of Captain Kangaroo.

  24. And Mariano Rivera has somehow aged 10 years in the last month...

    Yankee season is over. The game is still tied, but there's no way they way win this thing.

  25. Lady swimmers do not look good in goggles and caps. But I bet they kick ass on the lat pulldown machine.

  26. The 800 Free final might have been the most lopsided victory I have ever seen. A completely absurd level of domination.

  27. Come on...really?

    Billy Bob Thornton will star as Freddy Krueger in a new Nightmare On Elm Street movie.

    The 53-year-old actor will take on the chilling role in a remake of the 1984 original.

  28. TJ, that could be an awesome role for Billy Bob Thornton.....if he does the whole thing in his Slingblade voice.

  29. Greg, that would be funny...
