Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ceai Complet: August 19, 2008

I always get a kick out of these Comedy Central Roasts they periodically do, and I apparently missed the Bob Saget Roast Sunday night (I can't imagine having to look too hard for a re-air)...but I'm hoping it had something even 1/10th as good as this (and shocker of all shockers...this is not a Jeffrey Ross clip)...

WAIT - I'm thinking 90% of you might want to be really careful before playing this. The other 10%, watch and laugh...


  1. This bit was the genesis of the documentary called The Aristocrats. The documentary was an overly self-indulgent look at stand-up comedy produced and directed by comics.

    Gilbert's joke was an alleged attempt to save the Hefner roast, which was hurting b/c it was shortly after 9/11. The documentary overly pontificates on the importance of this bit, that people needed a good old dirty joke to snap out of the terrorist doldrums.

    Saget does the dirtiest version of this joke that you could imagine in the documentary. Like his stand-up, it's very dirty and very unfunny. Carlin also does a version which is very dirty and very funny.

  2. I've only enjoyed two things Gilbert has ever done: this bit...and his role as a talking horse in a recent Family Guy.

  3. I thought iphones were silly until a guy walked into my office, pointed his iphone at my fake Sounddock for 10 seconds, and then held the iphone up to show me that it can identify a song by listening to it and show you the artist, album, song title, record label, album art, and provide a link to download it all. The software that does this is free.

    Steve Jobs is a baller.

  4. More importantly, you can download a program to your iPhone that makes light saber noises when you swing your phone.

    There's also a program that displays a beer glass. The beer level drops when you bring the iPhone up to your mouth. You can also "pour" the beer from your phone to another iPhone that has the program.

    Important stuff.

  5. Until the iphone does this, I'm sticking with blackberry.


  6. Gilbert is also quite hilarious during his random appearances on the howard stern show....mostly because he will sit in silence until someone is spilling their guts about how they were abused as a child or their twin brother just died, and then bust out in his ridiculous hacking chuckle. It's good radio for the whole family.

  7. He showed me the lightsaber thing too, which is technologically amazing but insufficiently compelling. I don't need a $200 lightsaber/phone/ipod. But a $200 phone/ipod that can indentify and instantly supply music is compelling.

  8. What about USA Up All Night? I'm pretty disappointed in you TJ.

    In other news, I woke up an hour ago and now I'm gonna go down the street and start drinking with my friends...Go hurricanes!

  9. I did catch the Saget roast, and though there were a few misses, there was actually a good amount of genuine hilarity. A whole lot of perverse Olsen Twins jokes. (Dave would approve.) Jeffrey Ross was typically good, but Gilbert took top honors, just nudging out a filthy-mouthed Cloris Leachman (!).

  10. Ok, the guy doing track with Tom Hammond looks exactly like Carlton from Fresh Prince.

  11. Marshevet Hooker is not a name.

  12. that's ato bolden, teej. he's been pretty good, other than his chiding usain bolt for setting a bad example for children.

  13. Did anyone else just catch the chick from Bahrain? She won her heat too.
