Friday, April 04, 2008

Not Your Average Jimmy

In the interest of maintaining a well-rounded blog devoted to silly things that entertain us, we're taking a little detour today into the world of skaters, their gear, and Spike Jonze videos.

Skater culture has never really appealed to me, though I marvel at the things these rubber-limbed acrobats can do (and I could pick Tony Hawk out of a lineup). Nevertheless, there's something about the combination of stunts, music, and cinematography in this video for Lakai shoes that has me completely addicted.

(via Pitchfork)


  1. In my 5th year at William & Mary, we learned the difference between "your" and "you're" -- you should've stuck around.

  2. no, he's referring to my 'welcome donkey'. it sits outside my office and greets me each morning. i love that floppy-eared little bastard.

  3. I have an office monkey...he should meet your welcome donkey. They'd make a great crime fighting pair.

  4. Rob, I assume you taped the NKOTB reunion on the Today Show this morning?

  5. Sad stuff.

  6. mike montgomery to cal. i like that move for both parties. i'm sure they're glad to have the gtb endorsement.

  7. Good hire, should put a little more juice into the Cal-Stanford bball rivalry. On a related note, its so weird that Montgomery has had three major jobs in basketball and never had to leave one basic geographical area.

  8. This video is sick. It reminds me of my own trials and tribulations as a young skateboarder. The falling down memories, mostly.

  9. Random note - Anybody seen Jim Carrey's daughter recently? She is smoking hot. She holds her own next to Jenny (Jennie?) McCarthy.

    I made the mistake of uttering the phrase "smoking hot" around the wife. I realized that: 1) I had no idea how old the girl was, and 2) Women are not fond of their husbands calling younger women "smoking hot."

    Thankfully, she's 20, making me feel less pervy about the comment. That means he made her before he could woo women by flashing the cash he earned from Earth Girls Are Easy and Once Bitten. Good for Jimbo.

  10. Wait, wouldn't her being 20 make you more pervy?

  11. It may make me pervy, but 20 is better than 15 (and legal).

  12. 15 will get you 10...or at least that's what Luis Polonia told me.

  13. Colt Brennan needs hip surgery now? My god, I dont think anybodys draft stock has ever slipped this month from bowl game to draft day. He'll be lucky to get drafted now.

  14. Well, is it him or Woodson? That guy gets no mention now.

  15. Brennan for sure, Woodson is still going in the 3rd. Book it.

  16. Its entirely possible Bob Knight kills Dickie V before Gameday is over...

  17. Vitale is being attacked by gnats right now...maybe they're locusts amd the world is ending.

  18. let's get our useless and sure-to-be wrong predictions out of the way. i think memphis and carolina meet on monday with memphis prevailing. derrick rose is the difference.

  19. Memphis vs. Kansas in the final.

    I hate watching UCLA ugly up games and I loathe Roy Williams. Plus, thats what my bracket says and I'd like to get a little cash out of this thing.

    One more thing: I really enjoyed Bob Knight refusing to pick individual game changers or keys to the game. What really made it great was ESPN randomly putting up predictions for him on the screen. He's my kind of curmudgeon.

  20. Attaboy:

    PALO ALTO, Calif. - Palo Alto police are looking for a bank robber who favors a decidedly slow-speed getaway vehicle — an electric wheelchair. Police said a man in his 60s with gray hair and a beard held up the Wachovia Bank branch at the Stanford Shopping Center late this afternoon with a black handgun.

  21. things going swimmingly for the boston varsity in toronto this afternoon. neat!

  22. I'm going Memphis/Carolina in the final, but still look for Love to dominate Panthro.

    And I'll take Memphis, despite missing 14 of 32 free throws, to win the title.

  23. Oh yeah, Dorsey might punch Psycho T in the face Monday night, so that will be fun.

  24. If you have your TV on right now, turn to your local ABC affiliate.

    Oh man...

  25. arrrrrgggghhhh. my ears are bleeding.

  26. My head exploded like I was in Scanners.

  27. spiffy start for our baseball clubs, eh?

  28. Rays bitch slapping them around

  29. Nice win (fingers crossed) for Orlando today...Its getting to the point that I may have to abandon my permanently 'glass half empty' outlook for the Magicians.

  30. This is stepping on Jerry's toes, but watch the Caps tonight. Win and they win the Division, 3 seed and MVP trophy for Ovechkin.

  31. In other news, I'm like half an adult.

    I couldn't find my keys this am after an especially boozy evening last night. So...since I left my car at the bar last night, I figured I'd go up there and just see if, maybe I left my keys in my car. In fact, I did. I left my car sitting in the parking lot with both of my front windows open, and my keys in the ignition.

    I shouldn't be allowed to dress myself at this point.

  32. Its a little weird how much more pub Crosby gets than Ovechkin. With that said, I'm not watching a minute of hockey tonight.

  33. I'm awfully geeked about tonights games...

  34. i'm rooting harder for the caps tonight than i ever have for any team i couldn't care less about. except maybe for the diamondbacks in 2001.

    and i, too, will see exactly none of that game.

  35. I could care less about the NHL but I'd certainly give that game secind TV status. Obviously, I dont so its UF-UT baseball for me...

  36. Good God, the UCLA cheerleaders are fantastic.

  37. Nobody in America feels worse right now than Andre Allen...

  38. Memphis sure looks good early...

  39. entertaining first stanza. more please.

  40. Panthro is working hard...

  41. Ucla looking finished...Caps up 1-0 at first intermission...3 dogfishhead's consumed...and 3 gene hackman narrated commercials in the bag (for $300,000 each).

  42. Collison, proving me verrrrry right.

  43. impressive performance by memphis. i'm very jealous of geoff.

  44. roy williams' first mistake of the night was that tie. gonna be hard to recover from that abomination.

  45. kansas had better be careful.

  46. Bill Self is at the bar talking to heartbreak right now...

  47. Mr. Self, I have Mr. Pickens on Line 1...

  48. that was a uniquely entertaining game. bill self will now carefully remove his soiled undergarments, kiss sasha kaun, cole aldridge, and darnell jackson, and fight off the night terrors that will come at about 2:30 this morning.

  49. Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired

  50. there are a handful of plausible explanations for teejay being online at 4:00 a.m., but none of them are particularly normal.

  51. Charlton Heston is dead. I guess this means we can now pry his gun out of his cold dead hands. How many times are we going to hear that joke?

  52. I'd like to point out that I correctly picked the National Title game in one of my two brackets this year.

    Of course, I screwed up enough picks that I'm still gonna finish second in the pool I'm in. That, my friends, takes a special level of ineptitude.

    Also, I'm gonna liveblog the game at D&S tonight, if anybody is bored enough to venture over there.
