Friday, November 02, 2007

Goalie Fights are Fantastic

You can have your Domi/Probert and Brashear/Simon goon brawls. I'll take a good ole goalie fight any day of the week and twice on Sunday (just not this Sunday - I heard the Greatest Game in the History of Ever was being played this week). How about Patrick Roy behaving like a one-man army in this clip, a la Charlton Heston in "Omega Man." You ever see it? Beauty. Moving on, my personal favorite on this list is #4, with Neil Little trying to Superman dat ho:


  1. Do I smell "Harry and the Hendersons 2"?

    RIDGWAY, Pa. — A hunter out to photograph deer last month has reignited the Sasquatch debate with a photograph of a small furry animal walking on all fours.

    Rick Jacobs said he took this photograph with a camera using an automatic trigger in the Allegheny National Forest, about 115 miles north of Pittsburgh, hoping to capture deer. But his image has only managed to spark further debate about the existence of bigfoot.

  2. wow, an animal walking on all fours. what's next, birds flying?

  3. Dey be edumacated in Ridgway...
