Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Does he get to be first in line now?

Hey, that Justin Verlander kid is pretty good, eh? He just wrapped up the sixth no-hitter in Detroit Tigers history - their first since Jack Morris in 1984. Verlander took just 2 hours and 11 minutes to dismantle the Brew Crew, striking out 12 along the way and throwing consistently in the high 90s with absolutely nasty breaking stuff (hell, one of the donkeys on ESPNews just said he threw a 102 mph pitch in the 9th). You think maybe Morneau should get out of his way now?


  1. The director of this commercial? Spike Lee. Odd.

  2. Shhhhhh...a certain team in the AL East just got to .500 tonight by beating last year's NL Cy Young winner.

  3. I promise, this is the last of the Sopranos finale talk:

    Rocker Steve Perry refused to let The Sopranos creator David Chase use his classic song "Don't Stop Believin'" in the mob show's final scene until he knew the fate of the drama's leading characters. The ex-Journey frontman kept Chase waiting until three days before the long-awaited finale aired in America on Sunday. Perry is a huge Sopranos fan and feared his 1981 rock anthem would be remembered as the soundtrack to the death of James Gandolfini's character Tony Soprano - until Chase assured him that wouldn't be the case. Perry says, "The request came in a few weeks ago and it wasn't until Thursday that it got approval, because I was concerned. I was not excited about (the possibility of) the Soprano family being whacked to 'Don't Stop Believin''. Unless I know what happens - and I will swear to secrecy - I can't in good conscience feel good about its use." And Perry was so true to his word, he didn't even tell his family the song featured in the finale. He adds, "I didn't want to blow it. Even my wife didn't know. She looked at me and said, 'You knew that and you didn't tell me?'"

  4. Elijah Dukes is on a serious roll...

    A 17-year-old foster girl living with a relative of Elijah Dukes told police the Devil Rays outfielder got her pregnant.

    The girl, expected to give birth Nov. 5, told investigators she and Dukes had consensual sex on the living room sofa. She said Dukes got angry when she and another person confronted him about the pregnancy. "Yeah, we sat down and told him and he got mad and threw a Gatorade at me," she told investigators. Dukes is already known to have had at least five children with four different women. This is yet another incident that could add to the Rays' desire to ship him out of town.

  5. Sounds like Steve Perry has grown up a lot since his days intermingling with the gurus of really smooth music.

  6. Brad Lidge, allergic to success:

    Thrust back into the closer's role, Brad Lidge gave up a game-tying homer to Mark Kotsay to start the top of the ninth Monday against the A's.

    Same old Lidge. There just wasn't any good reason for the Astros to have Dan Wheeler and Lidge change roles again. Lidge did preserve the tie tonight, even though he gave up a double to the next hitter he faced and threw a wild pitch that got him to third. He'll probably get at least one more chance to save a game this week before the Astros consider going back to Wheeler.

  7. How can you NOT enjoy Elijah Dukes? He's like Greg. Except with talent, a temper and much more ambitious sperm.

  8. I'll tell you what, he might have this week's "Bama of the Week" locked up...and it's only Wednesday morning.

  9. Two things:

    1. What value did that youtube clip add?

    2. What's a "foster girl"?

  10. That's Verlander in the commercial donkey.

  11. Geoff's not real quick on the uptake. Either way, he'd have much preferred a clip of 'Skins mini-camp.

  12. Now, I know Burr isn't a huge baseball guy, but ,without looking them up, can you name two other players in that commercial?(obviously Morneau and Verlander are out as answers)

  13. Chris Henry, apparently looking toget tossed from the NFL completely...

    Bengals' wide-receiver Chris Henry is accused of breaking the law again.

    9News has learned that Florence police interviewed Henry, along with Bengal Reggie McNeal on Tuesday.

    The two football pros may have been involved in assaulting a 16-year-old boy.

    The family of the victim shared their story exclusively with 9News Tuesday night.

    They talked off-camera because they say they're not ready to publicly show their faces.

    But they are angry, alleging that Bengals players Chris Henry, along with a few others, beat the 16-year-old so severely that he had to be treated at the hospital for his injuries.

  14. Is that question exclusively for Burr or am I allowed to answer?

  15. While we wait for him to return and play these reindeer games, how about that assinine shot lasy night by Anderson Varejao with the game on the line?

  16. I knew it was too easy.

    LeBron should've walked right up to him and punched him on the way back to the huddle. Here's an idea: Hold the ball and get it back to the only player on your team capable of creating a shot for himself or his teammates.

    Hell, at least we only have to watch one more of those games.

  17. Chi Chi Rodriguez and Craig Stadler. POW!!

  18. And, to Burr's point yesterday, Mark Jackson needs to shut the fuck up. He was awful coming down the stretch last night - I fully expect Van Gundy to pull the WWE "steel chair to the cranium" move in Game 4.

  19. Ya gotta love the Dennis pop-ins...

  20. Elijah Dukes just kicked my Dad's ass.

  21. Anyone looking for a catcher, because this guy is not long for Chicago:

    Michael Barrett says he has already moved on past his second dugout argument with a Cubs pitcher in two weeks. Whether fans and teammates will let it go remains to be seen.

    Barrett, who got into a dugout shoving match and then a clubhouse brawl with Carlos Zambrano during a game earlier this month, had a heated discussion with left-hander Rich Hill in the fourth inning of Chicago's 5-3 loss to the Seattle Mariners on Tuesday night. Cameras trained on the Cubs dugout caught the two arguing after Hill gave up an RBI single to Seattle pitcher Jarrod Washburn.

  22. Mark, have you hard Elijah's cover of Paul Simon's "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover"? As you might imagine, he made a few minor tweaks to the lyrics.

  23. throw gatorade at her head, ned

    bust a cap in her ass, cass

    knock the bitch out, scout

  24. i smell a gtb post.

    sadly, it won't be by me.

  25. Elijah Dukes sings the classics, coming to a computer screen near you - Summer 2007.

  26. Elijah's got style, no doubt. However, he's no Robert Goulet. I'm not even bullshittin', dawg.

  27. The only other person I could really get a look at was a Jankee, who I believe it Rob Cano. And yes, I knew all along that Verlander was in the commercial jackass...I'm still wondering what value it added.

  28. The Met in question looks to be Jose Reyes.

  29. I've always got a soft spot for YouTube clips, you know that. And yes, you nailed the Yankee and Met - super scrappy hustle machine David Eckstein is also in the ad.

  30. wait, is geoff the editor around these here parts? i need to start kissing his ass if that's the case - i need better assignments.

  31. He is using his lofty position working for The Man to usurp G:TB editing authority. Though he has to get thorugh Dennis first.

  32. he's very familiar with a "higher" standard.

  33. Nobody put Gheorghe in a corner.

  34. "The last time GM Billy Knight had two first-round picks was 2004, and he came away with forwards Josh Childress and Josh Smith, who have both developed into excellent players."

    Is that true?

  35. If the Wizards take the Spanish kid Tiago Splitter at #16 and let him stay in Europe for a year Ernie Grunfeld should be drawn and quartered.

  36. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call them "excellent". They're both solid players but neither of them would start on a playoff team (outside of the final 2-3 in the East).

    Is Splitter who the local media are projecting?

  37. Here's all the assumptions I have found for the Wiz at #16 so far:
    - Tiago Splitter (si.com)
    - Derrick Byars (nbadraft.et)
    - Javaris Crittneton (collegehoops.net)
    - Jason Smith (insidehoops.com)

  38. The local media is covering Redskins OTAs and discussing the US Open and can't be bothered with annoyances like the Wizards and Nats.

  39. I assume "Javaris Crittneton" is a misspelling...but I'm not sure where...

  40. Yes, but just barely...Crittenton

  41. I've seen Smith on draftexpress (which is great, btw) and Thaddeus Young on Chad Ford's mock draft. The Wiz are in a tough spot b/c they need interior scorign and thats not exactly something you're likely to find in the mid-first round.

    If they had balls, they'd try like hell to trade for Zach Randolph. He's an idiot, for sure, but he'd dominate most of the eastern conference bigs.

  42. Would Portland bite at any deal involving Peg Leg Jamison?

  43. Zach and Antawn have somewhat similarly ridiculous contract #s. Maybe throw in Haywood and Blatche and you might have a deal.

  44. Gilbert and Zach in the same locker room would certainly be entertaining.

  45. There's been a lot of chatter about it. (Which probably means it won't happen.) If Portland takes Oden then it may look to get rid of Randolph (Aldridge played really well down the stretch) and fill void at SF. They've literally got nobody there and Jamison would add scoring and a solid veteran presence amongst the youngsters.

  46. Mark, if you could make that happen, I'd be forever grateful.

  47. Mark could be GM of the Blazer, Burr GM of the Skins, Swint GM of the Mystics...

  48. God damn it I cannot type today.

  49. Slats and I combined would immediately be in the top 10 among NBA GMs. Not that that's much of an acomplishment.

  50. You'd also be the top backcourt in the WNBA.

  51. cue TJ's "Juwana Man" joke in 5...4...
