Thursday, May 24, 2007

G:TB "Commercial Ghem of the Day"

A new, completely forced G:TB segment that is really just an excuse for me to post more YouTube clips. As hard as it is to remember, there wasn't always a YouTube, and it was a lot harder to waste time at work than it is now. Minesweeper? No thanks, I'm busy searching for the best commercials of the last 20 years. At first, this post was going to be dedicated to hidden YouTube gems, in particular the video of this...

"July 21, 2004 - From his spot in left-center field, Manny inexplicably makes a diving play to cut off a relay throw from center fielder Johnny Damon, allowing David Newhan of the Orioles to score on an inside-the-park home run."

...but apparently Manny has kept said clip off the interweb (Sidebar: Do you think Manny knows how to use a computer?). Since Manny and the 'Tube failed me, I had to move on. Here's G:TB's first CGOTD (many more to follow):

God I love that clip.


  1. or minesweeper. either way.

  2. when do we start the hot action winless season watch?

  3. Sometimes typos work out for the best. This is one of those instances.

  4. That commercial doesn't have shit on the Avis commerical with the business guys rapping.

    "I gotta stack cheese..."

  5. Question for the peanut gallery: Do I start Ervin "I wish I was Johan" Santana today, on the road against the Tigers?

    Santana's numbers this season:
    3-1 with a 2.33 earned-run average at home
    0-4 with a 7.86 ERA on the road

    His career numbers:
    22-6 and 3.00 at home
    9-15 and 6.69 on the road

  6. you get to choose your starters on a day-by-day basis? i wish we got to do that.

    and, yes, start santana. he's a classic case of a guy ready to return to the mean, which in his situation means a few really good starts are in his future.

    and if you think i wrote that because he's on my fantasy squadron, well, you're not as stoned as you look.

  7. Well, I appreciate the quick response, but since it's apparently a 1:05 first pitch in Detroit, I had Ervin locked into the starting line-up as I wrote that. Let's hope he doesn't fucking implode.

  8. 4 ER thru 2 IP...great work pal.

  9. glad i didn't start him this week.

  10. Rob, that hatchet job of the hatchet job of Tim Wakefield on Fire Joe Morgan is amazing. The entire interweb needs to read that.

  11. yeah, it's the reason FJM exists - and it's professionally negligent of the newsday reporter to write what he did.

  12. ref: the post below, does "steve blake-smart" mean "white"?

  13. Have you ever heard Steve Blake talk? He makes Boo Radley seem like a Rhodes scholar.

  14. Thats the Dade County Public Schools at your service.

  15. Sooooo, do we keep commenting here because Whit's post above is so solemn?

  16. Jeez, sorry. It's still ridiculous and worthy of Gheorgian mockery -- the tragedy doesn't give you a free pass when you're suing people for getting hit by a drunk guy in a car.
