Monday, August 01, 2005

Well well well...'s Tom Verducci is reporting Rafael Palmeiro has tested positive for steroids. Finally, a juicy positive test (with apologies to Jorge Piedra). Does this mean Jose Canseco might actually be right about more guys? In light of this, how soon before the "rejuvenated" Jason Giambi tests positive?

By the way, I just dug this up:
Palmeiro told members of the House committee that Canseco is lying.
"I have never used steroids. Period," Palmeiro said. "I do not know how to say it any more clearly than that."

This bit of information has certainly made up for that lame ass trade deadline we just experienced. Eric Byrnes and Jody Gerut probably leave a packed suitcase by the door everytime they leave for the park.


  1. Raffy claims today that he never knowingly used steroids, but abides by MLB's decision and will not appeal. Um, yeah, that's bullshit.

  2. C'mon, a guy with a mustache that thick can't be a liar. I believe him without question. I think Jerry would agree . . .

  3. This reference is the Burger Bar table from Vegas:

    Rehabilitated MARTHA STEWART has been told she cannot build a barn on her New York City suburbia property.

    "Then where do my goats...go?" Martha asked.

  4. Barry Bonds and the powers that be paved the way for this excuse with Bonds' precedent of "I didn't know." If MLB and the world of baseball had said, "Fuck you, Barry, you incredible prick, you're either lying or a friggin' moron, or both, and we simply don't believe you," Raffy would have no leg to stand on. They can't go after Palmeiro but so hard now. But I guess this might end the uninteresting argument of whether Palmeiro deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

    Mr. Selig, this is case in point why those who've recently written that you are a mis-maligned and underappreciated commissioner, as history will show, are either lying or a friggin' moron, or both.

  5. Raffy's HOF hopes just went limp.
