Thursday, July 07, 2005

Could this post have a smaller target audience?

What about Rebound?...A Staten Island coach and community figure has been arrested on charges of spanking teenage boys if they missed their basketball shots, officials said. Authorities allege that on Monday, Drew Sanders, who is an assistant executive director of the Staten Island Jewish Community Center, pulled down a 15-year-old boy's pants and slapped the boy in the behind with a wooden paddle.

* All is well in the world again (um, minus what happened in London today, but we don't address stuff like that here) - Pamela Anderson has traded in horrible actor Stephen Dorff for ex-husband Tommy Lee. Well done Pam - we missed you two together.

* I cannot believe we now have to listen to how great a team player Curt Schilling is because he's going to the Red Sox bullpen. Most likely we'll have to hear what a great move it is from douchebag Schilling himself, which is the worst.

* I've spent quite a bit of time this morning on the phone with a "Mr. Seaman". Needless to say, I have been laughing ALOT on the inside.

* I see Hurricane Dennis is preparing to ravage Jamaica. Apparently, the Hurricane wasn't very happy with GTB's less-than-stellar review of Gattaca.