Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Apparently he's not busy enough...

Now, I realize John McCain is a very well-respected member of Congress and an American hero to boot, but doesn't he have more important things to do than play Super Steroid Cop?

WASHINGTON, May 24 - Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican, unveiled the much-anticipated proposal for a Clean Sports Act on Tuesday, the culmination of a series of hearings full of discontent with steroid testing in professional sports. The legislation aims to require standardized testing procedures and stiffer punishments for athletes who test positive for banned substances.
McCain, joined by fellow Republican Congressmen Mark Souder of Indiana and Thomas Davis of Virginia and Democrats Henry A. Waxman of California and Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, called at a news conference for the four major professional leagues to institute a system at least as tough as the one for the Olympics.

Speaking of steroids, get excited, because Barry Bonds has updated his website again. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky Fan Sweepstakes winners for May. Perhaps June will be my month.

Don't forget to add this to your Tivo: "Amber Frey: Witness for the Prosecution"

Mr. Reynolds has apparently changed his name to Turd Ferguson...Yeah, that's right. Turd Ferguson. It's a funny name...NEW YORK - Burt Reynolds apparently slapped a CBS-TV assistant producer in the face at a New York screening of his new film, "The Longest Yard." The producer, who works for CBS News PATH, approached Reynolds on the red carpet outside a Chelsea theater Tuesday night. When he asked Reynolds to tell him about the film, the actor seemed annoyed.

Derek Broka, get excited, because Jerry Rice is now a Denver Bronco. That means this offseason Mike Shanahan has now signed a roided-out punter, the entire defensive line of the Cleveland Browns, and the G.O.A.T. (oh and how can I forget the drafting of Mo Clarett). Somewhere inside the beltway Danny Snyder is jealous.


  1. So, are they saying it's not very good?

    LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - It is simply not possible to evoke a less dramatic interpretation than this one-note rehash that stars Janel Moloney ("The West Wing") in a turn that attempts to transform Amber Frey's assistance in the investigation and prosecution of Scott Peterson into the highest form of altruism.

    In this ripped-from-the-yellowing-headlines docudrama of the sordid Peterson murder ordeal, it's as if Frey were something greater than the unwitting mistress she turned out to be. Indeed, in this adaptation of her autobiography, "Witness for the Prosecution of Scott Peterson," Frey is Mother Teresa, the Three Graces and Norma Rae all rolled into one. Moloney is nothing if not a dead ringer for Frey and does a respectable job of perfecting her subject's glassy eyed robotics.

  2. It's a Hard Knock life, I'm sure . . .

    Alex Rodriguez told the television show ''Extra'' that he is undergoing therapy with multiple therapists to deal with his personal demons.
    Rodriguez characterized the therapy sessions as more ''maintenance'' than anything else. Rodriguez currently leads the majors with 16 homeruns and 46 RBI.

  3. "North America Settled by Just 70 People, Study Concludes"

    What, they couldn't have whacked just one guy prior to settling? Those selfish bastards.
