Thursday, February 03, 2005

This really hurts his credibility

This is from SG's chat today. Liking Jim Rome is not a good thing. I bet Whitney has something to say about this.

Jayson (Houston): Bill, I heard you had alittle time with Rome yesterday. How did it go? You a Rome fan?

Bill Simmons: Yeah, I like Rome - he's a good guy. He's like a God in LA, it's unbelievable. But he has the only listenable show in LA - besides all the ESPN Radio shows, obviously. (Quit pointing the gun at my head!)


  1. I like Rome. He's very funny in small doses.

  2. Jerry, you are are complete and utter fool and I will cease talking to you . . . now. Unless you meant "small doses" like a 5-second clip of him falling down a flight of stairs with a chest pocket full of Chinese throwing stars. Jim Rome is the current anti-Gheorghe du jour, and I cannot fathom people who find him clever or insightful. He is famous for all of the wrong reasons. Gheorghe Muresan would refuse an interview with him, and he can't afford to turn down ANYBODY at this point.

  3. Try listening to him. He's pretty funny.

  4. Wow, you sir are a genius. I think I prefer the random comments from Yoni better.

  5. Somebody rack Bruno for me.

    I was staunchly in the "Rome blows" camp for quite some time. I have since softened my stance after giving him a second look.
