Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Gold Star for Digger

Looks like Digger got that Notre Dame/Boston College game right after all. Good to see I am only one more loss away from getting my Monday BC prediction right as well. (yeah, it's a self-link, but when you get as few predictions right as I do, you need to highlight them) Chris Thomas apparently stayed off the nose candy long enough to lead the Irish to the upset of previously undefeated BC. Strong games from Chris Quinn (minus the very Brady Quinn-like pass that almost cost them in the final minute) and Colin Falls (7 threes) helped ND virtually lock up an NCAA bid in February. The Big East is looking very solid. Unfortunately, we get all-out ACC fellatio tonight with Dickie V doing the Duke/UNC game. SUPERSCINTILLATINGSENSATIONAL...

Solid effort from Swint's Michigan Wolverines last night, as they led Illinois for much of the game only to lose in the final 5 minutes to a superior squad. I'm pretty sure Dee Brown is the fastest little mutha I've seen on a court since Iverson in a Georgetown uni. He completely took that game over...on the defensive end. Damn impressive.


  1. I can't believe you haven't posted about the Kournikova stalker yet.

    Dickie V is gonna be brutal tonight.

  2. I figured I'd leave Swint alone. Swimming is excellent cardiovascular exercise, and I don't want to discourage him.
