Monday, November 01, 2004

Monday Musings

These are in no particular order, and in fact, they might not even be funny or interesting, but oh well:

*I might hate T.O., but I got a big laugh out of the faux Ray Lewis dance. Now I just wonder if Ray will kill him. Seriously. I'm not kidding.

*Is Pedro Martinez gay, or at least leaning that way? I mean, what the hell was that dance he was doing with a cape on? A cape? I know he's "eccentric", but cape dances are just a tad fruity to me.

*I found Hell on Earth, and it's the Best Buy on Route 1. Worst Place Ever. Trained animals could run a tighter ship.

*Special thanks to my co-worker Chris for letting me steal his costume idea Saturday night. Roy Horn has never looked better, or bloodier (Hmm, if Pedro's gay for wearing a cape, am I gay for dressing like Roy Horn?)

*I guess there's a theme developing here, because it's almost college hoops time, and I am really looking forward to the Rudy Gay Era at UConn.

*OK, I can't help myself. If Ty Law is going to miss any time, he will be replaced in the lineup by Randall Gay. I heard he's great at tight man-to-man coverage.


  1. Is this really all you have to say for yourself?

  2. I would think by now you would know what to expect when navigating to this site. No political discourse, no intellectual discussions, just sports, tv, movies, pop culture, and references to famous dead people or murderers.

  3. You posted 1,000 references to the BH, and now you clam up? If you're chickening out, just say so and I'll shut up. [total bait move]

  4. Oh, now I see. And I thought you were just tired of me beating the Gay thing into the ground.

  5. No, I actually enjoy it when you kick Jeremy's ass, if that's what you meant.
