Wednesday, October 13, 2004

What a way to start...

By Game 4, I will have gnawed my fingernails all the way to the bone and had a heart attack (the heart attack will most likely be non-baseball related, as my diet and exercise regimen leave something to be desired). Thanks to Air Panama (or Big Stein's private jet) for getting Mr. Rivera to the ballpark in time to prevent the greatest comeback in LCS history (in case you missed the graphic flashed multiple times, 75 years ago last night the Philadelphia A's came back from 8 down, or something like that). Tim McCarver seems to be a big fan of Red Sox starter Brandon Arroyo, who happens to go by the name Bronson Arroyo, but who's keeping track really. SportsGuy made an error in his column the other day - Trot Nixon and Hideki Matsui do not cancel each other out (especially with Nixon coming off another injury). Offensively, the leather-faced Matsui continues to provide run-producing hit after run-producing hit (and not just last night). Now, he has some adventures in the outfield (it was a tough ball, but he should've made that catch last night), but he's good enough to have played CF alot of last year while Bernie Williams tried to climb out of his deep, wet grave. Ah, Bernie, literally on his last legs, came through huge again last night. I remember when he was viewed as the third best member of the Albany-Colonie Yankees outfield, behind Gerald Williams and Hensley "Bam Bam" Meulens. Game 2 in less than 10 hours, and I've already lost all focus at work (not a surprise there really).


  1. As much as I disliked the outcome, that really was one helluva way to kick off this series.

  2. David Ortiz scares the shit out of me everytime he is at bat, and I was sure that bomb he hit last night was gone. I mean, does anyone have the slightest clue what we're gonna see outta Pedro tonight? It really is like a WWE event, and Pedro is Vince's star.
