Wednesday, October 20, 2004

So it's all come down to this

I don't have the energy or skill to type very much right now, but since I have zero ability to focus at work today, I'll come back later and try (but surely fail) to discuss another nail biter in the 2004 ALCS. I am so exhausted as a fan, it's unfathomable. I feel like I'm being hazed. Games 1-3 were the false sense of security, Games 4-6 have been the real deal, and I'm now so disoriented I have no idea what to expect for Game 7. I've been joking for a few days about this, but Game 7 is truly going to kill me. If you stop by the wake, try to say a few nice things about me.

I like reading things written as a list, let me see if I can gather my thoughts enough to make a list (and these are gonna come sporadically, as my brain is functioning on a Chris Griffin level):

(1) For once, I have absolutely no problem with the collective sports media getting on their knees and sucking Curt Schilling’s D. That was an otherworldly performance, probably the gutsiest pitching performance I’ve ever seen. For weeks I’ve been saying Schilling ain’t the beloved sweetheart everyone makes him out to be, but hell, after last night, it doesn’t matter if he kicks babies or kills cats in his free time. He was awesome. Curt Schilling = New England sports legend.

(2) I'm struggling, reaching for straws. I don't even feel like making fun of McCarver, or pondering how surreal it was to see police in riot gear on the field in the late innings. Let's just all agree to skip the rest of the day and prepare for Game 7. It's gonna be a doozy.

(3) Less than 6 hours to first pitch. I'm sure Kevin Brown and Derek Lowe are pretty calm right now.

(4) 4 hours to go. This work day has been extremely looooooooooooooong.

(5) Well that was the worst list ever. Go Yankees.


  1. Is there baseball being played in the AL? I haven't noticed any good games yet...

  2. Stop stealing Freeland's bit. Noreally.

  3. Don't there have to be at least three things in order for it to really constitute "a list"?

  4. Yes it is a bad cheetah stealing a Freeland's bit! Be nice..Amanda Vanderpool
