Monday, October 18, 2004

Sleep deprivation...

courtesy of the ALCS. I'm so tired I can barely type, but even if I could, I don't know what to make of last night's Red Sox win. Is it the start of the most amazing comeback in baseball history, or was it just another tease for a tortured fan base? Is Rivera's blown save a bad sign of things to come, or just the motivating factor he needs to shut down the Sox tonight (power of positive thinking)? Does Pedro throw an absolute gem in what could be his final start in Boston, or does he get so juiced prior to gametime that his arm falls off in the 4th? So many questions, so few answers (except that Kevin Brown is indeed a huge douchebag), and so little sleep. Based on how this thing has gone so far, Game 5 will probably end after the Monday Night Football game (despite the 5pm start).

Oh yeah, Carlos Beltran is very good.

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