Friday, October 22, 2004

I Knew It!

Sports Guy just admitted: "I don't know anything about the Cardinals. I didn't even know there WAS a National league until about 20 minutes ago."

I've always contended that he's a Red Sox fan, not a baseball fan, and I guess he's freely admitting it. Dammit, dude, spend less time watching trashy/reality TV and more time watching non-Sox baseball. Or college football. Or rugby. (Did I successfully slip that last one in?)

I don't know why I feel the need to tear this guy down all the time. Maybe because I'm jealous of his job. (Maybe???) He's really pretty good most of the time. I occasionally give him a pass for little errors [not recognizing that Billy Squire (sic) is from Boston and that's why Fox played the tune], but I have a bigger issue that he willingly dismisses entire major sports while embracing entities like the NBA. But that's his prerogative; it just means that we'd have less to talk about in a bar. He was in his wheelhouse during the ALCS; today's chat may be the first chink in the armor (no Gheghis Khan jokes, TJ) as he reverts to Boston Sports Guy with little Cardinal knowledge of which to boast. Like Rob Russell in college, if you'll pardon that one.


  1. You know, I've been waiting weeks to use the "Wrath of Ghenghis Khan" material, and now you've just ruined it.

  2. Cardinal Knowledge. Brilliant. I've always hated his dismissiveness of college football and hockey, but what can you do? He's still good.
