Monday, December 31, 2007

The 2007 Gheorghe List: Top 10 Movies

We're bored, we're broke, and we're back. Like every other Tom, Dick, and Harry, we're celebrating the impending new year with our look back at 2007's best. Without further ado, here are G:TB's Top 10 movies of 2007*, in no particular order:

(* - Important note: we did not actually see any movies that were released in 2007, owing to a combination of laziness, preference for dining and/or drinking out over the cinema, and the rising cost of babysitters. This list is compiled from television advertisements and online trailers.)

I Am Legend. We're suckers for end of times fables. Also, we'd like to be able to hit a golf ball off a building into Manhattan traffic.

No Country for Old Men.
This was a terrific book, so we assume that it was an equally compelling film. Anton Chigurh is a bad mother shutyourmouth.

We went to college with Patton Oswalt. Didn't know him, but have friends that did. Additionally, we're huge cartoon rat fans.

Smokin' Aces.
Lots of stuff blowing up and bullets flying everywhere as allegory for the uncertainty of modern living. A neoclassical gem. Has Piven in it, too.

Black Snake Moan. Sam Jackson ties a scantily clad Christina Ricci to a radiator? Sign me up. Um, rather, a deeply felt meditation on the interplay between class, sex and race in the American South. Sign me up.

Part videogame, part war porn, all shiny and pretty.

Knocked Up
Seth Rogen, Everyman Hero.

Ocean's Thirteen.
G:TB loves a good caper. And Clooney and Pitt together again? Mmwah.

The Jane Austen Book Club.
Just kidding.

I Think I Love My Wife.
Don't we all. Also, just kidding. Again.

The Kingdom.
Boom! Bang! Pow!

Next up, G:TB's slighly more serious and better researched look at the 2007's best music.


rob said...

deleted post because it stayed on top of the page. annoying blogger feature.

Whitney said...

I actually did see Knocked Up (TiVo PPV, of course, not in the theater), so I'm 1 for 10.

And it was awesome.

rob said...

i saw it, too, but that defeats the premise. and, agreed, it was awesome.

Whitney said...

Shoot 'Em Up looked kind of cool. Anyone see it?

Geoff said...

I was told by someone who's opinion I trust that Smokin' Aces was one of the 5 worst movies made since we went to "talkies."

rob said...

yes, but the advertisements were top notch.

Geoff said...

Point taken. I saw Chas Wilson's War on Boxing Day and it was superb. 3.5 stars.

Dave said...

the best film of 2007 was a short documentary style piece shot with a cheap digital camera. i think it was was called "dave has sex with whitney's mom."

rob said...

that was so derivative, though, don't you think? been done to death.

rob said...

for the record, in doing the "research" for this post, i realized that i had also seen breach, michael clayton, and ocean's thirteen. so sue me. again.

rob said...

tribe wins! tribe wins! tribe wins!

Whitney said...

Go Fighting Wrens.

Greg said... (Also Whitney, gift too. Sorry Rob. Actually you might like it).

T.J. said...

How the hell did you find that?

Geoff said...

Speaking of movies, I saw Juno last night and highly recommend it...

Greg said...

TJ, some things are best left unsolved.

Whitney said...

Greg, have you heard about the forthcoming Episode 11 ("Footloose")? I'm giddy with anticipation.

Greg said...

I have. Some of my friends are went to the unveiling party up in NYC. I am also excited about it.

Whitney said...

Roger Clemens' lawyer has hired private investigators to investigate the Mitchell Report's findings themselves. It sort of reeks of OJ tracking down the real killers, no?

zman said...

Will Jim Leyritz serve as much jail time as Michael Vick, or will he get 90 days of community service like Leonard Little?

T.J. said...

I still can't believe Leonard Little got off so god damned easy. Short of the Juice, that might be the biggest (dottie)mockery of justice ever.

Whitney said... is reporting that there is a cougar loose in Las Vegas. That has to be a joke, right?

zman said...

Could I trouble you for a link to said Vegas/cougar story? I am too inept to find it on

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